Online ADAT Practice Tests
Reinforce content, refine your knowledge, enhance your confidence.
Knockout the ADAT.
High Yield Questions
Practice tests with ADAT formatted questions, time controls and new patient box clinical assessments.
Comprehensive Explanations
Detailed and concise explanations for all questions with topic review and knockout high-yield facts.
Proven Way to Learn
Simulated exam and questions are one of the most effective strategies to learn, recall and remember content!
What is ADAT Knockout?
Built for dental students
ADAT Knockout® is your instant access to reflective and complete online ADAT practice exams with the convenience of a click. Featuring tests with ADAT format and time controls, users can best prepare themselves for the test day under realistic conditions. Our program is meticulously designed to provide challenging questions that cover the level of breadth and depth of content tested by the ADAT. With thorough explanations for over 1300 questions, ADAT knockout yields the details and skills necessary to accelerate your success. With us, you’ll be in striking distance of an ADAT knockout.
Who Made ADAT Knockout?
We wanted to solve a problem
We are a group of dental students, general dentists, and specialists with one common goal - to help our colleagues knockout the ADAT. Our exceptional core of OKU dental students have experienced the ADAT firsthand and have aimed to produce questions with similar style, difficulty and content of the ADAT. With the collaboration of general dentists and various specialists, we’ve recreated numerous clinical case situations that simulate the ADA’s new patient box questions. All in strive to create the most reflective ADAT practice exams for you.
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